Sunday 20 April 2014

Special For Hatsuka ( すべてのもの )

Halo sahabat Sunday Morning.....

Apa kabar kalian ? Tidakkah kalian merindukan saya ? hahaha

"Persahabatan tidak mengenal negara", ya itu lah peribahasa yang tepat untuk cerita saya kali ini...

Kenapa saya tiba-tiba bilang begitu ?

Karena kali ini saya dapat kiriman cerita dari seorang sahabat asal negeri Sakura... Yap... Jepang  ^_^

Sebelumnya saya minta maaf bila kalian sedikit bingung nantinya, karena posting kali ini khusus pakai bahasa Inggris.. Padahal saya sendiri tidak begitu mengerti... hahaha.....

Oke, Langsung saja ya .....

My friend name is Hatsuka Shimizu, maybe you can call him by name Hatsuka, Hatsuka is a Japanese High School student. And now she's learn English.. I think she was around 16 years old.... Ehm... Yeah..

women who have a hobby of reading guide book is very fond of eating Sushi... haha.... yes... I think all Japanese people like it... 

Sorry, I'm forgot, she also likes traveling..
"I'd like to go to Malaysia again.. It's my precious country"    

And when I asked him about "What do you think about women? "

"There's no Discrimination against women in Japan.But other many countries having it so I'm sad. I don't know why it happen.", She said..

A condition that is very sad,, women and men should have equal opportunity ... without a woman, I think men are going to the trouble .. In some countries, women sometimes are not treated well, a problem that until now no solution ...

"A man can not call a man, if he can not treat women as women"

hatsuka who like singing and dancing also says, "All women have the right to work! Some countries should give jobs to women, only after that can everything else begin"

Ehm.. I agree with you ! ! ! 

Hatsuka recommend us to visit in Japan,, "Japan is very creatively country so u can see a lot of newly,uniquely and beautifully things! Sure, we have also delicious foods ! I'd like many foreigners to come to Japan"  

Wah, I was hoping to Japan.. ^_^

Hatsuka........... wait me ..... ! ! !

Finally,, a motivation of Hatsuka ...

”You don't have to depend on someone telling you who you are”- Beyoncé

Ehm..... Oke.... Jepang adalah sebuah negara selalu menyimpan banyak keunikan tersendiri.... Hatsuka membuktikan kalau meski Indonesia dan Jepang dipisahkan jarak yang jauh...

Yes, I'm and hatsuka is a FRIENDS 

Special article for a special person... Hatsuka Shimizu.....

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